Shopify Conversion Rate: 15 Best Tips to Improve Your Store’s Conversion Rate

Shopify Conversion Rate: 15 Best Tips to Improve Your Store's Conversion Rate

Improving your Shopify conversion rate is key to running a successful online store. On average, the Shopify conversion rate across all industries is around 1.4%, but the top-performing stores can reach up to 3-4%. Focusing on user experience, speed, and smart marketing can make a big difference if you’re aiming for higher numbers.

In this guide, we’ll cover practical tips for boosting your Shopify conversion rate and turning more visitors into buyers without breaking the bank.

1. How to calculate the Shopify conversion rate?

Calculating your Shopify conversion rate is crucial in understanding your online store’s performance. In this section, we’ll explain the calculation and how to find your conversion rate on Shopify.

The Calculation:

The Shopify conversion rate formula is simple and easy to use. It’s based on the percentage of visitors who end up making a purchase. The formula looks like this:

Conversion Rate = (Number of Completed Purchases / Number of Website Visitors) * 100

Let’s break it down:

  • Completed Purchases: The total number of sales completed during a set period.
  • Website Visitors: The total number of people who visited your store during that same period.

For example, if 1,000 people visit your site, and 30 people buy something, the conversion rate is: Conversion Rate = (30 / 1000) * 100 = 3%

This means that 3% of your visitors made a purchase. In other words, three people bought something out of every 100 visitors. This percentage is your conversion rate, and it’s one of the most important metrics to measure the effectiveness of your online store.

Shopify conversion rate formular

How to find Shopify conversion rate for your store

There are different ways to check your store’s important numbers. Here’s how you can find your Shopify conversion rate:

  • Shopify Analytics
Shopify Analytics

If you want more details, check Shopify Analytics. This tool gives reports and insights that explain your conversion rate better.

  • Shopify Dashboard
Shopify Dashboard

The easiest and fastest option. The Analytics dashboard clearly shows your store’s conversion rate in your Shopify admin.

  • Paid Ads
Paid Ads

To find your Shopify store’s conversion rate through paid ads, you can use platforms like Google Ads. The conversion rate shows how many people who click on your ads end up making a purchase on your store. It’s a useful way to see how well your ads are working.

Keep in mind, though, that platforms like Google Ads will only show the conversion rate for the ads running on their platform. This means it won’t reflect the overall conversion rate of your entire store but gives a clear idea of how well your ads are doing. Improving this number can help increase sales from your paid campaigns.

2. What is the average Shopify conversion rate? 

The average Shopify conversion rate is 1.3%, based on a survey of 3,000+ stores as of September 2022 by Littledata. This means that out of every 100 visitors, approximately 1 to 2 make a purchase. 

Conversion rates vary depending on many factors, such as industry, user experience, and product offerings. Although this is a general benchmark, it can differ based on specific store setups and marketing efforts.

Average Shopify Conversion Rate

What is a good Shopify conversion rate?

A good conversion rate for Shopify stores is generally considered anything >3.6%. Stores with this level of performance fall in the top 20% of all eCommerce websites. 

If your store has a conversion rate over 4.8%, it’s likely in the top 10% of Shopify stores. Achieving such rates often requires a combination of great product selection, smooth user experience, and strong marketing strategies.

What is a bad Shopify conversion rate?

A conversion rate of <0.4% is considered poor. This places your store in the lowest-performing 20% of eCommerce websites. Such a low rate might indicate issues with product-market fit, a cumbersome checkout process, or even poor website design.

Stores with conversion rates <0.1% are often categorized as the worst-performing stores, highlighting the need for immediate optimization.

Average Shopify conversion rate by industry

Average Shopify Conversion Rate by Industry

The average e-commerce conversion rate can vary greatly depending on the industry. As of the last quarter of 2022, here are the average rates for some of the top e-commerce sectors:

As you can see, food and beverage, along with health and beauty, had the highest conversion rates in 2022. This could be because these items cost less than household goods and electronics, making buying easier for shoppers. 

3. 15 best tips to improve Shopify conversion rate

Have a Mobile-Friendly Website

Mobile friendly website

In today’s shopping world, more customers use mobile devices than desktops to browse and buy products. A mobile-friendly website ensures a seamless shopping experience, no matter what device a customer uses.

You must ensure your Shopify store looks great and functions well on smaller screens. Use a responsive theme that adjusts the layout for mobile devices.

Also, make buttons easy to click and ensure the text is readable without zooming in. Testing the mobile experience regularly can help catch and fix any issues before they impact your sales.

Use High-Quality Media (Image + Video)

Use high quality media

Since customers can’t hold or see products in person when shopping online, your product images become crucial in their decision-making. In fact, they play a big role in whether people will buy or not.

Make your product images shine with clear, clutter-free backgrounds and natural lighting. Capture the product from different angles so customers can get a full view. For items with fine details, adding a few close-up shots helps showcase those features.

While professional photos are great, you can also use DIY setups with good lighting and a clean background. Don’t forget to let customers zoom in on your images to take a closer look, which will help them feel more confident about their purchase.

Improve Your Website Speed

Improve website speed

Did you know that 53% of mobile users will leave a site if it takes more than three seconds to load? Website speed directly affects conversions because customers lose patience with slow-loading pages.

Optimizing images, reducing unnecessary code, and using fast hosting can all help to improve your Shopify store’s speed. Additionally, apps like Booster can offer real-time insights to help you fix speed-related problems before they impact your conversion rate. The faster your site, the better your chances of keeping visitors to your store.

Highlight Your Top-Selling Products

Highlight best selling products

Highlight your top-performing products to capitalize on their popularity and boost overall conversions. Create a “Best Sellers” or “Most Popular” section on your homepage and category pages.

This social proof can influence new visitors and returning customers alike, guiding them toward products that have already proven successful. Consider using eye-catching badges or labels to make these items stand out even more.

Optimize SEO for Money-site

Optimize SEO for your money site

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is vital for getting your Shopify store found by potential customers. Ensure your money pages – such as product and collection pages – are optimized for relevant keywords. Here’s how you can improve your SEO:

  • Use keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions.
  • Write unique product descriptions, including primary and secondary keywords.
  • Optimize images with ALT tags and descriptive filenames.
  • Build backlinks to your most profitable pages.

Following these steps will boost your rankings and drive more organic traffic, translating into more conversions.

Write a Persuasive Product Description

Write a Persuasive Product Description

When writing a product description, focus on highlighting key features, specifications, and product types. Clearly explain what the product offers and how it functions to meet customer needs. 

Avoid overly complex language or jargon – keep it simple and direct to ensure customers can easily understand the product’s value. A well-written product description showing the core features effectively guides customers in confidently purchasing decisions.

Use Social Proof and Guarantees

Use Social proof

Around 92% of shoppers trust online reviews just as much as recommendations from friends. So, it’s crucial to showcase customer feedback clearly to build trust.

Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Place reviews under the “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart” buttons.
  • Display star ratings below product images.
  • Share reviews on social media and in emails.
  • Use photos or videos in reviews to add credibility.
  • Add testimonials on your homepage for extra trust.

If you’ve worked with well-known brands, display their logos to show potential buyers that trusted companies also use your product.

Additionally, offering guarantees such as “money-back” or “satisfaction guaranteed” can reduce the perceived risk and encourage hesitant shoppers to convert.

Create Urgency and Scarcity

Countdown timer

Creating urgency and scarcity can significantly boost conversions by encouraging customers to act quickly. People who feel like they might miss out on a great deal are more likely to purchase.

You can implement urgency with limited-time offers, flash sales, or countdown timers. To achieve scarcity, you can also show the number of items left in stock or how many people have already bought the product.

Here are some sentences that create urgency and scarcity, driving customers to take action quickly:

  • “Hurry! Only 2 items left in stock – grab yours before it’s gone!”
  • “Flash Sale ends in 2 hours – don’t miss your chance to save big!”
  • “Limited-time offer! Prices go back up at midnight.”
  • “Selling out fast – get it while you still can!”
  • “Last chance! This deal won’t be here tomorrow.”
  • “Only 5 spots remaining – secure yours now!”
  • “Don’t wait! 15 people in the last hour have viewed this product.”
  • “Get yours before it’s too late – once they’re gone, they’re gone!”

Create Compelling Discounts & Promotions

BOGOS Free Gift

Yes!!! These are surely a great way to attract and retain new customers. To create compelling offers, you can use the BOGOS app on Shopify, which offers a range of promotions like:

BOGOs is known for its customizable promotions. The app makes adding discount rules such as specific URLs, customer tags, and order history easy. It also provides real-time analytics to help you track the effectiveness of your offers.

With a rating of 4.9/5 from 2,000+ reviews, BOGOS is highly regarded for boosting conversion rates by driving up average order value (AOV). You can easily create automatic discounts that apply to carts or use a gift slider to make the offers more interactive. Try now to discover more!

Use Exit Intent Popups

Exit intent popup

Exit intent popups are a great way to grab the attention of visitors who are about to leave your website without buying anything. These Shopify popups track where a visitor’s mouse is and show up when they’re about to close the tab or go somewhere else.

Here’s how to use this effectively:

  • Offer a tempting deal: If someone’s about to leave, offer them a special discount or free shipping they can only get right now. For example, “Get 15% off your order if you complete your purchase now” can make a big difference.
  • Use a clear call-to-action (CTA): Your popup should have a direct and clear CTA. Something like “Claim Your Discount Now!” or “Continue Shopping!” can help guide the customer to finish their purchase.
  • Add social proof: Include customer reviews or testimonials in the popup to build trust at the last second. For example, “Don’t miss out! See why 500+ customers love this product.”
  • Don’t be too pushy: Popups work, but being too aggressive can backfire. Use softer language, like “Don’t miss out!” instead of something harsher like “Buy Now or Miss Out Forever!” You can test different messages to see what works best for your audience.

Send Abandoned Cart Emails

Send Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails are a tried-and-true way to recover lost sales. Around 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned, but a well-timed email can bring back some of those lost customers. Here’s how to make these emails work for you:

  • Send emails quickly: The first email should go out within 1 hour of a cart being abandoned while the product is still on the shopper’s mind. If they don’t respond, follow up in 24 hours and again in 48 hours.
  • Make it personal: Address the customer by name and mention the product they left behind. For example, “Hey [Name], you left [Product] in your cart. It’s still waiting for you!”
  • Offer a small incentive: A discount code or free shipping might be all they need to complete their purchase. Try something like, “Finish your order now and enjoy 10% off!” or “Come back & we’ll ship it for free!”

These strategies make your emails feel like helpful reminders rather than sales pitches, leading to better results. Tools like Klaviyo or Omnisend can help you automate and personalize these emails for maximum impact.

Simplify Checkout Process

Shopify one page

A complicated checkout process is one of the biggest reasons shoppers leave without buying. About 22% of people will leave a site if the checkout is too hard or takes too long. Here’s how to improve your Shopify checkout conversion rate:

  • One-Page Checkout: To make it simpler and quicker for customers, put everything on one page. Ask for only the basics, like their name, address, and payment details.
  • Show progress: If you must have a multi-step checkout, let customers know how many steps are left. This can ease their anxiety and keep them from abandoning their cart.
  • Offer multiple payment options: Give customers the choice of PayPal, credit/debit cards, or buy-now-pay-later options like Afterpay or Klarna.
  • Auto-fill features: Let customers use their browser’s auto-fill to quickly add in their address and payment details. For returning customers, let them save their info for an even faster checkout next time.

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a smart way to figure out what works best for your online store by testing different versions of a page, layout, or feature. Here are a few areas you should focus on testing:

  • Product photos: Add more images, 360-degree views, or interactive elements. See if better visuals boost engagement and sales.
  • Calls-to-action (CTAs): Test different CTA texts (like “Buy Now” vs. “Add to Cart”) or try a floating CTA button instead of a static one.
  • Guest checkout: To reduce friction, let customers check out as guests. See if this increases the number of completed purchases.
  • Review placement: Customer reviews build trust, but where you place them matters. Test putting reviews closer to the product title or just before the CTA button to see what gets more clicks.
  • Product descriptions: Try different formats like bullet points or a conversational tone. Sometimes a change in tone or layout makes the product more appealing.

By experimenting with these areas, you’ll get real insights into what your customers prefer and improve your store for higher conversions.

Use Retargeting Ads

Use retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are a powerful tool for bringing back customers who didn’t complete a purchase. But to stand out, try these fresh strategies:

  • Retarget based on browsing time: Focus on people who spend a lot of time on a specific product page, as they’re more likely to buy if shown an ad with product highlights or a special promotion.
  • Segmented retargeting: Create different ads for people based on what they looked at. For example, if someone browsed expensive items, offer them a first-time discount while showing visitors cheaper items bundle deals or pairings.
  • Cross-sell retargeting ads: Show ads for related products to people who’ve already made a purchase. For example, if someone bought a phone case, show them an ad for matching accessories like screen protectors or chargers.
  • Product updates: Retarget past buyers or browsers when a product is back in stock or new updates are available. Use lines like “New colors just dropped!” or “Now available in larger sizes!” to catch their attention.

These strategies will make your retargeting campaigns more personalized, relevant, and effective.

Promote Your Products with Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing can really boost sales and brand credibility. Here are a few smart ways to work with influencers:

  • Work with micro-influencers: Micro-influencers (1,000 to 100,000 followers) often have super loyal, engaged audiences. They’re great for targeting niche markets.
  • Exclusive discount codes: Offer influencers special discount codes for their followers, like “INFLUENCERNAME10” for 10% off. This not only encourages sales but also helps you track which influencers drive the most conversions.
  • Collaborate on content: Work with influencers to create unique content instead of just an ad. Have them show behind-the-scenes videos of how they use your product or run a challenge or giveaway.
  • Host live shopping events: Partner with influencers for live shopping events on Instagram Live, TikTok, or YouTube. They can showcase your products, answer questions, and offer limited-time discounts.
  • Reviews and tutorials: Ask influencers to create in-depth reviews or tutorials on your product. Followers trust their opinions, which helps build credibility and shows how the product fits into their lives.

Using these ideas, you can tap into the power of influencers naturally and effectively.

4. Final words

I hope these tips help you boost your Shopify conversion rate. Simple changes like making checkout easier, adding popups, and retargeting customers can turn more visitors into buyers. Even small tweaks can greatly impact your Shopify conversion rate and help your store grow faster!

5. FAQs

What is the average Shopify checkout conversion rate?

The average Shopify checkout conversion rate is around 1.4% across most industries. However, top-performing stores can see 3-4% conversion rates or even higher. A rate below 0.5% may indicate room for improvement​.

How do I see my Shopify store conversion rate?

To check your Shopify conversion rate, go to your Shopify Dashboard or Analytics. You’ll see metrics like online store sessions and conversion rates.

What are the Shopify conversion rate benchmarks?

A good conversion rate on Shopify is generally above 3.2%, placing your store in the top 20% of all Shopify sites. An average store typically sees rates between 1-2%, while a rate below 0.5% indicates areas for improvement.

Why is my Shopify conversion rate low?

A low conversion rate could be due to factors such as a complicated checkout process, slow page loading times, or lack of trust signals like customer reviews. Improving these areas, optimizing your site for mobile, and offering more payment options can help boost conversions​.

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