30+ Shopify Black Friday Checklist to Prepare Your Shopify Store

30+ Shopify Black Friday Checklist to Prepare Your Shopify Store

Getting your Shopify store ready for Black Friday can feel overwhelming, but with the right plan, you can turn the busiest shopping day of the year into a huge success. Our Shopify Black Friday checklist is designed to guide you step by step, ensuring that every aspect of your store is optimized for maximum sales. 

This checklist covers everything you need to know, from marketing strategies to technical tweaks. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, these tips will help you prepare your store for the rush. Let’s get started!

30 Shopify Black Friday Checklist to prepare your Shopify store

Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) is an important time for online shops, and having a good Shopify BFCM checklist can really help you improve your conversion rate. This checklist includes everything you need to prepare, from marketing and sales to tech improvements and daily operations.

1. Marketing & Sales

Marketing & Sales Shopify Black Friday checklist

1.1 Plan Your Black Friday Strategy

A clear strategy is key for a successful Black Friday sale. It keeps you focused, aligns your team, and maximizes this big shopping day. When planning, consider these points:

  • Timing: When should your sale start? The optimal time varies depending on your target audience. Did you know that 54% of shoppers start their Black Friday shopping before the actual day?
  • Target audience: Know who you’re selling to and adjust your promotions to fit their needs. Millennials respond better to digital ads, while Gen X likes email offers.
  • Goals: Decide what you want to achieve. Clear, measurable goals will help guide your strategy, whether boosting sales by 20% or gaining 500 new customers.
  • Budget: What’s your budget? Allocate funds wisely across different channels. On average, businesses spend around 5-10% of their annual revenue on Black Friday marketing.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyzing competitors’ Black Friday strategies can provide valuable insights. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can help you track competitors’ campaigns and keywords, allowing you to refine your strategy.
  • Segmentation: Tailor your offers by segmenting your audience (e.g., VIP customers, new customers). Personalized promotions can increase conversion rates by up to 29%.

1.2 Create Compelling Offers

Black Friday shoppers are looking for deals, so creating compelling offers that drive sales and increase average order value is essential. Here are some types of offers that work well for Black Friday that you might consider to add to your Shopify Black Friday Checklist:

  • Percentage discounts: Offer a percentage off specific products or entire categories.
  • Bundles: Package multiple products together at a discounted price.
  • Free shipping: For orders above a certain amount or specific products.
  • Buy One Get One Free (BOGO): Offer a free product when you purchase another.
  • Flash Sales: Time-limited flash sales create urgency, pushing customers to make quick purchasing decisions.
  • Personalized Discounts: Offer special deals based on what customers have bought or looked at. 
  • Referral Discounts: Offer referral discounts to motivate current customers to bring in new shoppers, which could double your customer base.

To make great offers, check out the BOGOS app. It helps you set up and manage different deals easily. With BOGOS, you can create offers like Buy One Get One (BOGO), Buy X Get Y, Free Gift With Purchase, Product Bundles, Quantity Breaks, and Volume Discounts.

BOGOS has a 4.9-star rating and 2,000+ reviews, with merchants praising its ease of use, flexibility, and excellent customer support. So, it’s worth using. If you are new to BOGOS, here are BOGOS’s detailed guidelines to help you start.

Read more: Shopify Black Friday: 20 Ideas, Tips & Strategies to Power Up Your Store

1.3. Design Eye-Catching Banners

Visually appealing banners are essential for grabbing the attention of Black Friday shoppers. Include these design tips in your Shopify BFCM checklist:

  • Use Bold, Eye-Catching Fonts and Colors: Grab attention immediately.
  • Clear Messaging: Communicate your offers clearly and concisely.
  • High-Quality Images or Graphics: Add visual interest to your banners.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your banners are optimized for mobile devices.
  • A/B Testing: Test different banner designs to see what resonates best with your audience. Tools like Personizely can help.
  • Seasonal Themes: Incorporate Black Friday-specific graphics to make your banners more relevant and engaging.

1.4. Schedule Email Campaigns

Email marketing is a crucial channel for Black Friday sales. Be sure to add email campaigns to your Shopify Black Friday checklist as a must-do task. Here’s a basic email campaign schedule you can follow:

  • Teaser Email: The first email in your campaign that builds excitement and curiosity. Teaser emails usually get more opens, with rates up to 50% higher than regular emails.
  • Announcement Email: This email officially shares your Black Friday sale details, including offers, start and end dates, and special deals.
  • Reminder Email: As Black Friday nears, this email keeps your sale in your subscribers’ minds, featuring countdowns, popular items, or last-minute deals to boost early purchases.
  • Last Chance Email: Sent on the last day of your sale, this email encourages customers to buy quickly before the deals end, creating a sense of urgency for last-minute purchases.
  • Dynamic Content: Use dynamic content that adapts based on the recipient’s preferences, past behavior, or location, significantly increasing engagement and click-through rates.
  • Pre-Sale VIP Access: Target your most loyal customers with an early access email to your Black Friday deals, rewarding loyalty and building anticipation.

1.5. Leverage Social Media

How can you maximize your social media impact? By focusing on the right platforms and content:

  • Facebook: A good engagement rate for Facebook ads is 1% to 2%. This indicates you’re reaching your target audience, who should be interested in your post. You may target the wrong people if your engagement is below 0.5%.
  • Instagram: Perfect for visual products. Posts with product tags see a 40% increase in clicks.
  • Twitter: Use it to generate buzz. Tweets with Black Friday hashtags can increase impressions by 20%.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Ask customers to share their buys with a specific hashtag to boost brand visibility and trust.
  • Live Streaming: Use live streaming on platforms like Instagram Live or Facebook Live to show products, offer live discounts, or answer customer questions, driving quick sales.

Here are some social media content ideas specific to Black Friday:

  • Share behind-the-scenes content that showcases your products and team.
  • Share customer testimonials and reviews to build trust and credibility.
  • Share exclusive offers and promotions to drive sales.

1.6. Run Paid Ads

Paid ads can significantly boost your Black Friday sales if used correctly. When adding Paid Ads to your Shopify Black Friday checklist, remember that during this time of event, everyone uses Paid Ads, so your customers will be crowned with Ads everywhere they go. The key point here is to create compelling, attractive, and creative ads to grab your customer’s attention. Consider using:

  • Facebook Ads: Known for their precise targeting capabilities, these ads can reach specific customer segments effectively.
  • Google Ads: Capture shoppers who are actively searching for products like yours.
  • Instagram Ads: Perfect for visually-driven campaigns.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Use Facebook Ads Manager to create lookalike audiences from your best customers, expanding your reach to similar potential customers.

1.7. Set Up Abandoned Cart Campaigns

Abandoned cart recovery is crucial during Black Friday, as it can help you recover lost sales and increase revenue. Here are some tips for effective abandoned cart emails:

  • Send Reminder Emails Within 24 hours of cart abandonment.
  • Offer Incentives: Encourage customers to complete their purchase with discounts or incentives.
  • Use Social Proof: Build trust and credibility by showcasing customer reviews and ratings.
  • Multi-Channel Recovery: Utilize SMS reminders and Facebook Messenger prompts in addition to email to reach customers on the platforms they prefer.
  • Progressive Discounts: Offer increasing discounts in follow-up emails (e.g., 10% in the first email, 15% in the second) to create a sense of urgency.

1.8. Promote Gift Cards

Gift cards are an excellent way to boost sales during Black Friday while also attracting new customers. Here’s how to promote them effectively:

  • Emphasize that gift cards are the perfect solution for last-minute shoppers or those unsure of what to buy. They’re also a great way for customers to introduce your brand to friends and family.
  • Offer a discount or bonus value on gift card purchases during Black Friday (e.g., “Buy a $50 gift card, get a $10 bonus”).

1.9. Create Urgency with Countdown Timers

Countdown timers are an effective way to create a sense of urgency and drive sales during Black Friday. Here are some places to add them:

  • Homepage Banner: Add to remind visitors of your Black Friday deals’ limited time, creating a sense of urgency.
  • Product Pages: Show timers to highlight deals that are about to end, encouraging shoppers to make quicker decisions.
  • Cart Page: Use to reduce cart abandonment by reminding customers that their items will expire soon.
  • Checkout Page: Include to reinforce urgency just before they complete their purchase.

1.10. Collaborate with Influencers

In the age of social media, influencer marketing can be a game-changer. Businesses make $5.78 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing (Influencer Marketing Hub, 2023). Consider adding this to your Shopify Black Friday checklist.

Here are some tips:

  • Choose influencers whose values align with your brand.
  • Clearly communicate your goals and expectations.
  • Monitor and measure the results of your partnership.

Read more: 25 Best Shopify Black Friday Apps to Boost Revenue (2024)

2. Technical Optimization

Technical optimization Shopify Black Friday checklist

2.1 Optimize Website Speed

A slow-loading website can be a major turn-off for customers. According to Big Commerce, a delay of just one second in page loading time can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. 

To optimize your website speed, make sure to include these steps in your Shopify BFCM checklist:

  • Choose a Fast, Reliable Theme: Select a theme optimized for speed, avoiding themes with too many unnecessary features.
  • Compress Images: To improve load times, reduce image file sizes without compromising quality. Tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim can help.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Combine files like CSS and JavaScript and use a content delivery network (CDN) to reduce server load.
  • Enable Browser Caching: Store frequently used resources locally on the user’s device to speed up return visits.
  • Use Performance Optimization Tools: To monitor and improve site speed, utilize Shopify’s built-in performance report or third-party apps like Speedify or Crush.pics.
  • Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for images and videos so they only load when they come into view, further improving page load times.

2.2 Check Mobile Responsiveness

With most online shoppers using mobile devices, a mobile-responsive website is crucial. As of 2024, mobile commerce (m-commerce) accounts for a significant portion of online sales, representing approximately 43% to 59.9% of global e-commerce sales, depending on the region (Source: Capital One Shopping Research).

To ensure mobile responsiveness:

  • Use a mobile-friendly theme that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Test your website on various devices and browsers.
  • Ensure buttons, menus, and forms are easily clickable and usable on smaller screens.
  • Use a responsive design that adjusts layout and content based on screen size.

2.3 Test Checkout Process

A smooth checkout process is essential for reducing cart abandonment rates, so don’t forget to include this task in your Shopify Black Friday checklist. To test your checkout process:

  • Manual Checkout Testing: Go through the checkout process on both desktop and mobile to identify any usability issues.
  • Test Payment Gateways: Ensure all payment options work smoothly, and consider offering multiple payment methods, such as Apple Pay or Google Pay, for convenience.
  • Shipping Options: Test different shipping methods to ensure they display correctly and match your logistical capabilities.
  • Use Checkout Optimization Tools: Use a checkout optimization tool like Shopify’s checkout editor or third-party apps like BOLD Upsell or AfterSell.

2.4 Update Hosting Plan

A hosting plan is a service that makes your website accessible online. When you create a website, you need a place to store all your files and content. A hosting provider gives you space on their servers to store this data and uses the technology to keep your site online for visitors.

Upgrading your hosting plan helps your website manage more traffic without slowing down or crashing, which is super important for maintaining a good user experience and maximizing sales opportunities during busy times.

To update your hosting plan:

  • Review your current hosting plan and assess your needs.
  • Consider upgrading to a dedicated or VPS hosting plan.
  • Research and compare different hosting providers.
  • Consult with Shopify support or a developer to determine the best hosting solution for your store.

2.5 Backup Your Store

Data loss can be catastrophic for any business, and during high-traffic events like Black Friday, the stakes are even higher. According to a study by WifiTalents, 60% of businesses that experience data loss shut down within six months.

Regular backups are vital to ensure that you can quickly recover from any unforeseen issues. Add these backup strategies to your Shopify Black Friday checklist:

  • Use Shopify’s Built-in Backup Feature: Regularly back up your store using Shopify’s native features or reliable third-party apps like Rewind.
  • Automate Backups: Set up automatic backups to run daily or weekly, ensuring your data is always up-to-date.
  • Offsite Storage: To protect against data corruption or server issues, store backups securely offsite, such as on an external hard drive or cloud storage service.
  • Test Restorations: Periodically test restoring from a backup to ensure the process works smoothly and quickly.

2.6 Enable Site Security Features

Security breaches during Black Friday can result in lost revenue and damage your brand’s reputation. With the increased traffic, your store may become a target for cyber threats. To enable site security features:

  • Use Built-in Security Features: Enable Shopify’s SSL encryption and two-factor authentication to protect sensitive customer data.
  • Password Protection: Secure sensitive store areas with strong, unique passwords and enable password protection for admin areas.
  • Security Apps: Install security apps like TrustedSite or Captain Shipping Protection to regularly scan for malware, vulnerabilities, and suspicious activity.
  • Regular Software Updates: Keep your store’s software, plugins, and themes up-to-date with the latest security patches.
  • Firewall and DDoS Protection: Consider adding firewall and DDoS protection to safeguard your store against attacks during peak traffic.

2.7 Create a Clear Navigation Path

An easy-to-follow navigation can improve the customer experience and lower bounce rates. 61% of users say they’ll switch to another site if they can’t find what they want in about five seconds.

To create a clear navigation path:

  • Organize your menu and categories logically and intuitively.
  • Use clear and descriptive labels for menu items and categories.
  • Use breadcrumbs and filters to help customers navigate your store.
  • Test your navigation with real users to identify areas for improvement.

2.8 Set Up CDN (Content Delivery Network)

A content delivery network (CDN) can improve website speed and reduce latency. According to a study by CDNetworks, a CDN can reduce page load times by up to 50%. To set up a CDN:

  • Choose a Reputable CDN Provider: Research and select a reputable CDN provider, such as Cloudflare or MaxCDN, known for reliability and performance.
  • Cache Static Assets: Set up the CDN to cache your store’s static assets, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files, to reduce load times and improve user experience.
  • SSL Encryption: Ensure the CDN uses SSL encryption to maintain secure data transfer and protect customer information during transactions.
  • IP Blocking: Configure the CDN to block malicious IP addresses, enhancing your store’s security against cyber threats.
  • Test and Monitor: Regularly test your CDN setup to ensure it’s working correctly and monitor performance to promptly identify and address any issues.

3. Analytics & Monitoring

Analytics & Monitoring Shopify Black Friday checklist

3.1 Set Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is essential for tracking and understanding visitor behavior on your Shopify store. It provides insights into traffic sources, customer behavior, and sales performance, helping you make informed decisions. So, setting up Google Analytics should be your top priority in the Shopify Black Friday checklist. To set it up:

  • Sign Up for Google Analytics: If you don’t already have an account, sign up for free here.
  • Integrate with Shopify: Use Shopify’s built-in integration to easily add your Google Analytics tracking ID to your store settings, ensuring seamless data collection.
  • Enable Enhanced E-commerce: Enhanced E-commerce in Google Analytics offers deeper insights into customer shopping behavior, including product performance. To activate this feature, navigate to the Admin settings in Google Analytics and turn on Enhanced E-commerce in the View column.
  • Test the Setup: After setup, verify that data is correctly captured by reviewing real-time reports.

3.2 Monitor Shopify Analytics

Another analytics tool that you need to include in your Shopify Black Friday checklist is Shopify’s native analytics. This free-to-use tool offers real-time data on sales, traffic, and customer behavior, making it a crucial tool for daily monitoring. During Black Friday, you should:

Track Visitor Spikes: See how visitor increases relate to your promotions to find what brings in the most traffic. 

  • Monitor Best-Selling Products: Check which products sell best and change your promotions to boost sales. 
  • Watch Conversion Rates & AOV: Monitor conversion rates and average order value to evaluate your sales strategies. 
  • Check Cart Abandonment Trends: Look for patterns in cart abandonment and improve the checkout process by simplifying forms or offering discounts.

3.3 Create UTM Parameters for Each Campaign

UTM parameters are small bits of code added to your URL that help track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. By using UTM parameters:

  • Understand Traffic Sources: UTM parameters help you categorize and understand which marketing channels – like email, social media, or paid ads – are the most effective at driving traffic.
  • Categorize Traffic Sources: Use UTM parameters to categorize traffic, such as “utm_source=facebook” or “utm_campaign=blackfriday2024,” for clear and organized tracking.
  • Create UTM Links: Google’s Campaign URL Builder is a handy tool for generating UTM parameters. Link to the tool.
  • Analyze Campaign Performance: Regularly analyze your campaigns’ performance through Google Analytics to refine your marketing strategies throughout Black Friday.

3.4 Set Up Conversion Goals

Keeping an eye on actions that result in sales is important for knowing how customers behave and improving your store’s performance. Conversion goals in Google Analytics help you track these important actions. To set them up:

  • Identify Key Actions: Determine which actions, such as newsletter sign-ups or product purchases, are most valuable to your sales funnel.
  • Track Key Pages: Set goals to track when users reach specific pages, like the checkout confirmation or thank-you page, indicating successful conversions.
  • Monitor Engagements: Track important interactions, such as button clicks, video plays, or downloads, to understand how users engage with your content.
  • Use Goals for Retargeting: Use the insights from conversion goals to create targeted retargeting campaigns for users who didn’t complete desired actions.

3.5 Create Custom Report Dashboards

Custom dashboards in Google Analytics allow you to view your most important metrics in one place. They are essential for quickly assessing your store’s performance during the Black Friday rush:

  • Choose KPIs like revenue, conversion rate, and bounce rate.
  • Use Pre-Built Templates – Google Analytics offers various templates to get started quickly.
  • Share Dashboards with Your Team – Ensure everyone is aligned by sharing these dashboards with key team members.

3.6 Monitor Server Load

Monitoring your server load is critical to ensure your Shopify store can handle the traffic surge during Black Friday. With the Black Friday sale holiday coming in a few months’ time, this should be on your top priority list in the Shopify Black Friday checklist. Here’s how:

  • Use Shopify’s Built-In Tools: Shopify provides real-time reports on server performance.
  • Set Up Alerts: Use monitoring tools like Pingdom or New Relic to receive alerts if your server load is too high.
  • Prepare for Traffic Spikes: According to middleware, stores that tweak server settings, switch to cloud hosting, and use content delivery networks (CDNs) can cut downtime by as much as 85%.

4. Operations

Operations Shopify Black Friday checklist

4.1 Ensure Sufficient Inventory

Having enough stock is key for handling the higher demand on Black Friday. Running out of products can result in lost sales and hurt your brand’s reputation, as 73% of shoppers say they feel less loyal to stores when items are unavailable​ (Source: Burst).

To avoid this, follow these tips:

  • Review your sales data from previous Black Fridays to anticipate popular product demand accurately.
  • Perform a thorough inventory audit to identify potential stockouts and areas where you may need to increase stock levels.
  • Consider a just-in-time inventory system to minimize stockholding costs while ensuring you have sufficient products.
  • Proactively communicate with your suppliers to confirm timely stock delivery and avoid supply chain disruptions.
  • Establish a safety stock threshold for critical items to prevent stockouts during peak demand.

4.2 Prepare Customer Support

Exceptional customer support is crucial during Black Friday, as customers may have questions or concerns about their orders. To prepare your customer support team:

  • Bring in temporary workers or train current staff to manage the extra inquiries during busy times. 
  • Add a detailed FAQ section on your website to answer common questions and reduce support requests. 
  • Use a ticketing system to organize and prioritize support issues, ensuring urgent ones get quick attention. 
  • Ensure your customer support team is always available to answer questions via live chat, email, or phone. 
  • Provide your team with ready-made scripts for common inquiries to maintain consistency and response efficiency.

4.3 Coordinate with Fulfillment Partners

Good coordination with your fulfillment partners is key for smooth order processing and delivery during the Black Friday rush. Any miscommunication or delays can leave customers unhappy and lead to negative reviews. 

Make sure to add these coordination ways to your Shopify Black Friday checklist: 

  • Share Sales Forecasts: Give your fulfillment partners your sales forecasts and current inventory so they can prepare for more orders.
  • Discuss Shipping Options: Agree on shipping methods, including fast shipping and returns, for quick delivery.
  • Check Fulfillment Capacity: Ensure your partner can handle the expected increase in orders.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Communicate clearly your needs for order processing and customer service to avoid confusion.
  • Backup Plan: Create a backup plan, such as a secondary partner or in-house option, if your main fulfillment partner has problems.

4.4 Set Up Order Management System

An order management system (OMS) makes your order fulfillment process smoother, reducing errors and boosting efficiency. To set up an OMS:

  • Choose an OMS that works well with your Shopify store and shipping partners.
  • Set up the system to automatically manage orders, track inventory, and handle shipping to minimize mistakes.
  • Test the system thoroughly to ensure it works properly and tweak it for better performance.
  • Teach your team how to use the system effectively so everyone understands its features and processes.
  • Monitor the system during Black Friday to spot any problems early and make quick changes.

4.5 Plan for Returns

Returns are an inevitable part of the e-commerce experience. According to Shopify blog, 17.6% of online purchases are returned. To plan for returns:

  • Develop a clear return policy and communicate it to your customers.
  • Set up a return merchandise authorization (RMA) process to streamline returns.
  • Train your customer support team to handle return inquiries and process returns efficiently.

4.6 Schedule Staff

Finally, it’s essential to schedule your staff to ensure that you have adequate coverage during the Black Friday period. To schedule your staff:

  • Create a schedule that ensures adequate coverage during peak periods.
  • Communicate the schedule to your staff well in advance to avoid conflicts.
  • Consider hiring temporary staff to supplement your existing team.

2. Are you ready for the Shopify Black Friday Sale?

As Black Friday approaches, it’s time to put the final touches on your preparations. Our Shopify Black Friday checklist has equipped you with everything you need to ensure your store is optimized for success – from marketing strategies to technical optimizations and operational readiness.

This checklist can be your roadmap to turning the year’s busiest shopping day into your most profitable one yet. Now, it’s all about execution. Are you ready to make the most of this opportunity and make this Black Friday your best one ever?

Suggestion: Double-check each item on your Shopify Black Friday checklist and run a final test of your website, marketing campaigns, and customer support systems. This last-minute check can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and successful sale.

3. FAQs

What is the best time to start preparing for Black Friday on Shopify?

The best time is around September, roughly two to three months before the event. This allows ample time to plan, implement, and test various strategies.

How do I create effective discounts for Black Friday on Shopify?

Use tiered discounts, bundle deals, and limited-time offers to attract more customers. Personalizing discounts for different groups can also work well. The BOGOs app helps you easily create these offers and even more to boost sales during Black Friday.

What should I do if I run out of stock during Black Friday?

To prevent running out of stock, look at past sales to predict demand and keep in touch with suppliers for quick restocking. If you do run out, think about using dropshipping to fill orders.

How can I reduce cart abandonment during Black Friday?

Make the checkout easier by allowing one-click buying and providing different payment methods, such as PayPal and Shop Pay, so customers can complete their purchases easily.