Shopify Thank You Page Upsell: The Ultimate Guide to Boost Revenue

Shopify Thank You Page Upsell: The Ultimate Guide to Boost Revenue

This Shopify thank you page upsell is certainly the biggest money-making boost online store owners could ever wish for! As Shopify stated, the AOV can go up to 10-15% when customers are introduced to relevant products after the purchase. Therefore, at this point, the thank you page becomes vital to upselling and boosting revenue.

In this article, you will learn how to upsell using an effective thank you page in Shopify. Strategies, apps, and tips will help you increase the conversion rate. After finishing, you will know how to monetize your thank you page fully.

1. What is a thank you page upsell on Shopify?

You have just purchased on an e-commerce site, and as you navigate away from a page, you are shown a courteous “thank you” page. But this is not just any ordinary thank you page. It is a smart way to present you with another good offer after the sale has been made, and that is why it is called a thank you page upsell.

Upsell with a thank you page can significantly boost your revenue
Upsell with a thank you page can significantly boost your revenue

When you’re presented with a thank you page upsell, your brain is more receptive to the offer because:

  • You’re in a positive emotional state (you just made a purchase!)
  • You’re more likely to trust the seller
  • You’re already in the buying mindset

Studies have shown that upselling with a thank you page can have a higher conversion rate than other Shopify upselling locations, such as product page upselling or email marketing campaigns. In fact, according to a study by Shopify, the average conversion rate for thank you page upsells is around 10-30% (Source: Cloudways).

To create a successful thank you page upsell:

  • Identify Suitable Products: Select the additional products and services related to the customer’s core interest.
  • Create Compelling Offers: Ensure that the upsell offers are enticing. This could be done through coupons, package deals, or specialty items.
  • Design an Appealing Thank You Page: The page should be well-designed and easy to navigate. Ensure that the upsell offers are displayed prominently without swamping the customer.
  • Test and Optimize: It is also important to try different upsell offers and page layouts to determine the effectiveness of each. A/B tests the page and selects the page for which the conversion rates are the highest.

2. Why upsell with a thank you page on Shopify?

Shopify’s thank you page is not merely a routine courtesy after the customer has purchased a product. It is quite effective and can help increase business on several different levels. If laid out strategically, it can convert “one-off” customers into serial buyers and increase sales.

Here are four key reasons why you should consider upselling on your Shopify thank you page:

  • Take Advantage of Purchase Momentum

When customers intend to purchase a particular product, they develop a frame of mind called purchase momentum, which makes them more willing to purchase additional products. Their “wallet is open”.

It’s like when you go to a store for one thing but end up buying more because you’re already there and in a shopping mood.

Purchase momentum doesn’t last long, though. It’s strongest right before the customer pays, so showing extra items before checkout works well. When implemented correctly, it can, in fact, make consumers happier with their purchases because they can get all they want in one place.

It is necessary to recommend things that are actually suitable for their purchasing. This way, while benefiting customers, you also ensure the sales of your products go up.

  • Increase Average Order Value (AOV)

Your thank you page is the prime spot to recommend relevant products or upgrades that complement the main products. For instance, if a customer just bought a phone, you would suggest he bought a phone case or a screen protector. 

This strategy, upselling or cross-selling, can significantly increase your average order value (AOV).  According to Hubspot’s 2022 Sales Strategy Report, nearly half (42%) businesses get 11-30% of their income from this campaign.

  • Boost Customer Loyalty

This upsell strategy offers customers extra value at a key moment. By showing relevant add-ons or upgrades, you express that you get and anticipate their needs. This thoughtful approach can make customers feel appreciated and boost their trust in your brand.

When done well, upselling feels helpful rather than pushy, building a good connection between customers and your store. This can boost brand loyalty, encourage repeat purchases, and increase long-term customer value.

Read more: Shopify Post-Purchase Upsell: A Comprehensive Guide For More Sales (2024)

3. Different methods to upsell with the Shopify thank you page

There are three methods for upselling the Shopify thank you page. Let’s check them out below!

3.1 Product Add-ons

Product add-ons are extra items or upgrades that complement the customer’s original purchase. They appear on the thank you page to enhance the buyer’s experience. On the product page, it will appear as a small section, usually above the checkout button.

Upsell with product add-ons section
Upsell with product add-ons section on the product page. On Thank you page, product add-ons section is usually located under the “checkout” button.

How to make the most of product add-ons?

  • Choose items that truly enhance the main product 
  • Offer a small discount on the add-on 
  • Use clear, attractive images of the add-on products 
  • Keep the selection limited to avoid overwhelming customers

3.2 Banners

Banners are eye-catching graphics at the top or middle of the thank you page. They highlight items that complement or enhance the main product. You can customize your thank-you page within the Shopify admin dashboard. While banners are easy to create and customize within your thank you page, this method is not highly recommended since you can’t upsell products based on a customer cart. So, for banners, you can give away a discount code or a free gift to motivate customers to return to your store in the future.

Use banners on the thank you page to offer exclusive discounts to your customers
Use banners on the thank you page to offer exclusive discounts to your customers.

For instance, if a customer buys a fire pit, the banner might suggest related products like firewood, protective covers, or grilling accessories. This approach helps customers buy more right after their first order, taking advantage of their current buying mindset.

How do you make the most of banners?

  • Use bold, contrasting colors to grab attention 
  • Keep the message short and clear 
  • Include a strong call-to-action button 
  • Make sure the banner fits well with your page design

3.3 Popups

Popups are small windows appearing on top of the main content of the thank you page. They can provide coupons, get people to recommend their friends, or encourage customers to return again.

In some Shopify upselling apps, the same offers can be represented through a different landing page rather than an upselling popup. This means the customer will be taken to another web page containing the offer.

The content of this landing page will be the same as the popup; this is an independent page and not an overlay of the thank you page. If the customer decides to cancel or not engage with the offer, he or she will be taken back to the thank you page.

Popups are a great way to upsell on Shopify
Popups are a great way to upsell on Shopify

How to make the most of popups?

  • Time the popup to appear after a few seconds 
  • Make it easy to close if the customer isn’t interested 
  • Use engaging visuals and concise text 
  • Offer something valuable to encourage action

4. How do you leverage your upselling strategy on Shopify?

4.1 Utilize cart upsell

To make cart upsell as straightforward as possible, we highly recommend you use the BOGOS app. BOGOS is the number one app (4.9/5 ⭐ & 1900+ great reviews) for Shopify that stands out in promoting buy-one-get-one (BOGO) deals, discounts, bundled products, and free gifts. It stands out by allowing users to smoothly combine two conditions for promotions, a unique feature not found in other apps.

BOGOS can trigger upselling popups based on what products customers add to their cart.
BOGOS can trigger upselling popups based on what products customers add to their cart.

For Shopify stores looking to upsell and boost sales, BOGOS is a perfect solution. It will upsell when customers add items to their cart. It also allows you to create custom upsell offers, automate product recommendations, and track performance. With features like:

  • Customizable offer templates
  • Product recommendation engine
  • A/B testing and analytics

BOGOS makes it easy to optimize your cart upsell strategy and increase revenue. Choose BOGOS for its ease of use, flexibility, and dedicated customer support. 

4.2 Follow up with email and remarketing ads

On the thank you page, customers are certainly not ready to make another purchase from the same website. Although the first-time buyer may not order again, with a carefully composed follow-up email and a remarketing ad, there might be subsequent purchases. Send personalized emails with:

  • Exclusive promotions
  • Product recommendations
  • Abandoned cart reminders

To reconnect with customers, use remarketing ads on social media, Google, or other platforms. This reminds them of your brand and offers, helping boost sales and increase brand awareness.

Retarget your customers with personalized email and display ads
Retarget your customers with personalized email and display ads

4.3 Offer exclusive discounts to motivate customers to return

Who doesn’t love a good discount? So consider offering your customers:

  • Loyalty program rewards
  • Limited-time promo codes
  • Early access to sales

Remember to personalize your offers based on customer behavior and purchase history to increase their interest. This helps a lot!

5. Top Shopify app to upsell products with a thank you page

App NameProviderRating & Pricing
ReConvert Post Purchase UpsellReConvert4.9/5 (4.834)Development stores: Free
– Upsell Basic: $4.99/month
– Upsell Premium: $7.99/month
Upsell Premium Pro: $14.99/month
Upsell & Cross Sell — SelleasyLogbase4.9/5 (1.804)Tier I: Free to install
– Tier II: $8.99/month
– Tier III: $16.99/month
AfterSell Post Purchase UpsellAfterSell4.9/5 (788)Development stores: Free
– 0-500 orders: $34.99/month
501-1000 orders: $54.99/month
– 1001-2000 orders: $99.99/month

5.1 ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell

ReConvert is a user-friendly app that helps you create a more engaging thank-you page. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to personalize your page. This app can be used with other Shopify apps to create a more powerful system.

ReConvert has many built-in features to improve your thank-you page. It’s a great way to encourage customers to return to your store.

Reconvert Shopify upsell app

Key Features:

  • Create checkout and post-purchase upsell funnels to get shoppers to spend more.
  • Boost AOV with post-checkout blocks and one-click upsell offers.
  • Enhance your thank-you page with surveys, birthday collections, and product upsells.
  • Easily build your checkout upsell strategy with a drag-and-drop editor.
  • Use smart segmentation to trigger bundle upsells, cross-sells, and one-click upsells.


  • Easy to use with a drag-and-drop interface.
  • Offers a variety of features to personalize your thank-you page.
  • Integrates well with other Shopify apps.
  • Helps to boost average order value (AOV).


  • The free plan has limited features.
  • Some features may require additional paid plans.

5.2 Upsell & Cross Sell — Selleasy

Selleasy helps you increase your average order value by showing effective upsell offers before and after purchases. It encourages customers to buy related products or accessories together.

You can create these offers manually or let the app suggest them automatically. Selleasy works with Shopify stores in multiple languages and currencies.

Selleasy Shopify app

Key Features:

  • Show product bundles like Amazon’s “frequently bought together” feature.
  • Recommend additional products in different formats like lists or grids on the product page.
  • Show pop-ups suggesting extra items or upgrades based on what’s already in the cart.
  • On the thank-you page, suggest related products to cross-sell.


  • Offers a free plan with basic features.
  • Easy to set up and use.
  • Works with multi-language and multi-currency stores.
  • Provides both manual and automatic upsell options.


  • The free plan has limited features.
  • Some features may require additional paid plans.

5.3 AfterSell Post Purchase Upsell

AfterSell helps you increase your average order value by offering additional products and deals to customers after they purchase. It allows you to create one-click upsells and down-sell, personalize your thank-you page, and modify your checkout page (for Shopify Plus users).

Aftersell Shopify upselling app

Key Features:

  • Generate post-purchase one-click upsell and down-sell offers for single and multiple products.
  • Personalize the thank-you page with customer reviews, FAQs, upselling, cross-selling, and additional elements.
  • Tailor the checkout page to include order bump upsells and other features (exclusive to Shopify Plus).
  • Conduct split testing of your offers to determine which ones yield the highest conversions (A/B testing).


  • Offers a free plan for development stores.
  • Provides a variety of upsell and down-sell options.
  • Allows for personalization of the thank-you page.
  • Offers A/B testing to optimize your offers.


  • The free plan is limited to development stores.
  • Paid plans can be expensive for smaller businesses.
  • Some features are exclusive to Shopify Plus users.

6. Best Tips for Shopify Thank You Page Upsell Conversion

Your Shopify thank-you page is not a farewell but an excellent opportunity to continue the buyfest! Here are some tips to turn those “thank yous” into more sales:

Utilize One-Click Upsell

Shopify One-click upsell means that after a customer places an order, an offer for an additional product appears, either as a popup or on a landing page. If they choose to buy it, there’s no need to re-enter payment details, making the checkout process faster and easier.

To make this strategy effective, target items that complement the purchased product and are reasonably priced. Timing is crucial—catching customers while they’re still in the buying mood. Adding a sense of urgency, like a limited-time offer, can further increase the likelihood of a quick purchase.

Suggesting Complementary Products

Display companion items for the customer’s current purchase. This could be accessories, add-ons, or related products. Be very careful not to show these suggestions in a way that makes no sense or has no real value.

Furthermore, elaborate, in the simplest way possible, why the products mentioned earlier complement each other. It helps the customer understand what they are going to gain by purchasing those additional products, so they are likely to add more products to their basket. It resembles the position of a person helping his friends and giving them a piece of good advice.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Now, this is where there should be a motivational call to the customers to act fast. Another tip that can be applied is using a time-bound offer of discounts, which tells your customers that the stock is low. 

For example, “Add this matching wallet to your order in the next 10 minutes and save 20%!” Or “Only 5 left in stock – add to your order now!” This makes people act fast.

Keynote: Do not fake an urgent business. True scarcity notifications, such as flash sales or low-stock products, are almost always effective. However, do not overuse them, or else it will appear that you are forcing the customers to do so.

Showcase Customer Reviews and Ratings

Seeing positive reviews from other customers can build trust and encourage customers to buy. On your thank-you page, display recent reviews and ratings for the products you’re upselling. This social proof can make customers more confident in their decisions.

Use Visual and Interactive Elements

A plain text thank-you page can be boring. Instead, use high-quality images, videos, and even interactive elements like product carousels.

You could even include a quiz to help suggest the perfect add-on product. For example, if someone buys workout clothes, you could have a quick “What’s your fitness goal?” quiz. Based on their answers, suggest the best equipment.

6. Offering Personalized Discounts and Benefits

Use your customer data to personalize discounts on your thank-you page. You can also offer free shipping on the upsell item or bonus loyalty points. Personalized offers show you value the customer and understand their needs, making them more likely to buy.

7. Conclusion

I hope you find this post helpful in boosting your sales with Shopify thank you page upsell strategies. Using the thank you page for upsells can turn a simple thank you into extra sales. These methods certainly increase your order value and bring customers back. Start improving your thank you page today and see your sales grow. Good luck!

8. FAQs

How do I upsell with a thank you page on Shopify?

To upsell with a thank you page on Shopify, you can use various tactics such as offering discounts, displaying recommended products, or using pop-ups. You can easily implement these strategies using Shopify apps like ReConvert or AfterSell, which allow you to customize your thank you page with drag-and-drop features to add upsell offers, discounts, and more.​​

Why should you upsell with a thank you page on Shopify?

Because it boosts the average order value (AOV) without extra acquisition costs. It takes advantage of that moment when customers are most engaged, right after a purchase, making them more likely to check out additional offers. This strategy can lead to higher revenue and better customer loyalty.

What are common methods to upsell with a thank you page on Shopify?

The common methods to upsell with the Shopify thank you page are using product add-ons, banners, and pop-ups.