How to Create a Shopify Abandoned Cart Discount? A step-by-step guide

How to Create a Shopify Abandoned Cart Discount? A step-by-step guide

Recovering lost carts with a Shopify abandoned cart discount is a smart way to win back your customers. Offering them a time-sensitive discount can entice your audience to come back and finish the checkout process. In this step-by-step guide, we will explain how to make an abandoned cart automation flow, apply a discount, and create compelling emails. Let’s start now!

1. How to create a Shopify abandoned cart discount?

Step 1: Create a Shopify discount code for abandoned cart users

Step 1: Go to “Discounts” > “Create Discount” > Choose Discount type based on your strategies

Step 2: Enter the code (e.g., SAVE12), set the discount value (percentage or fixed amount), and apply it to specific products or collections. You now have a Shopify abandoned cart discount code to include in your emails.

Create a Shopify discount code for abandoned cart user

Step 3: Set the customer eligibility to target customers who abandoned their carts, selecting a segment like those who abandoned within the last 30 days.

Set up discount code eligibility

Step 4: Save the discount and generate a shareable discount link. In the following step, you can paste this link into your abandoned cart email.

Get a Shopify shareable link

Important Note: Shopify’s native discount feature can be simple, but it has limitations, such as:

  • Customers must manually enter the code at checkout.
  • For “Buy X Get Y” discounts, customers need to add the gift product to the cart themselves.

To deal with the 2 drawbacks of creating abandoned cart discounts by Shopify native features, BOGOS is your weapon in creating a discount that applies automatically without manual input.

What you need to do right now is to install the BOGOS app on your Shopify store, use BOGOS to make a special discount link, and put this link in your abandoned cart emails. When customers click the link, they’ll get the discount right away. No need to copy-paste codes or add extra items to their cart.

Target specific customers with BOGOS sub-condition

In addition, BOGOS is a versatile app that can elevate your sales. It offers various discount types, like quantity breaks, product bundles, or volume discounts, and lets you set custom rules for offers. You can add discounts automatically or use a gift slider. The app provides real-time analytics to track performance. 

Plus, BOGOS works with many other Shopify features and apps, like Shopify POS and Facebook Pixels. With its user-friendly design, BOGOS makes creating and managing promotions easy for any store size. Our basic plan costs $29.99/month and offers a bunch of premium features that you cannot find anywhere. 

Step 2: Create an abandoned cart automation flow

Once the discount codes are created, it’s time to set up an automated email workflow that triggers whenever customers abandon their cart.

First, Go to “Marketing” > “Automation” from your Shopify admin.

Create an abandoned cart automation flow

Then: Select the Abandoned Cart template from View Templates to send recovery emails to customers who left items in their cart.

Choose abandoned cart template

Finally: Edit the email template: Click Edit email to personalize the content and remind customers to complete their purchase.

Edit template

Step 3: Design & apply a discount to the abandoned cart email

You can apply the Shopify native discount and the BOGOS discount link in this step. First, let’s come up with the layout. Keep the layout clean, personalized, and compelling when designing your email.

  • Subject Line & Preview Text: Start with an engaging subject line like “You left items in your cart!” and add preview text that creates urgency, such as “Hurry, your items are waiting!”
  • Visual Sections: Include sections for product images to remind customers of what they left behind, along with personalized text addressing them by name.
Edit email content

Now, we will come to the main section, where we will apply a discount to the abandoned cart email. As mentioned earlier, you can apply existing discounts or paste a link created in the BOGOS app. 

  • If you are using Shopify Discount Code, follow these steps:

“Add section” > “Discount.”

Add a discount

Choose the discount code (e.g., SAVE12) for automatic application when the customer clicks to checkout.

  • If you are using BOGOS discount link, follow these steps:

Add a Button block as a call-to-action for the customer.

Add a button block on email

Paste the BOGOS discount link (e.g., When the customer clicks this button, the discount will be automatically applied without requiring manual code entry.

Attatch discount link to button

2. 6 Best tips to create a high-converting abandoned cart email

Compelling Subject Line

Your subject line determines whether your email gets opened or ignored. To make it compelling:

  • Keep it short and punchy (40 characters or less).
  • Create curiosity with phrases like “We’ve got a surprise for your forgotten items.”
  • Personalize by including the customer’s name or a product they abandoned.
  • Tactfully employ urgency, such as “Your cart is expiring soon!”
  • A/B tests different approaches: try emojis, questions, or statements.
  • Avoid spam triggers like “Free” or “Sale.”

Example subject lines:

  • “Messi, your new shoes are getting lonely 👟”
  • “Quick! Your cart is about to self-destruct.”

Ultimately, the best subject line aligns with your brand voice and speaks directly to your customer’s interests.

Create a sense of urgency

Urgency can be a powerful motivator, but it must feel authentic:

  • Use limited-time offers like “Complete your purchase in the next 4 hours for 15% off.”
  • Send low stock alerts: “Only 2 left in stock – don’t miss out!”
  • Expire carts after a set time: “Your saved items will be released in 24 hours.”
  • Add countdown timers or show real-time stock levels to reinforce urgency.
  • Be honest – if you say an offer expires, let it expire.

Create a mobile-friendly design

With over 50% of emails opened on mobile, your design must be mobile-optimized:

  • Use a single-column layout that adapts to screen size.
  • Ensure text is readable using at least 14px for the body and 22px for headlines.
  • Make buttons “thumb-friendly” (44×44 pixels) with adequate spacing.
  • Keep the email width under 600px for proper display.
  • Compress images and use web-safe fonts to minimize load times.
  • Test across multiple devices before sending.

Consider using AMP for interactive experiences like image carousels or add-to-cart features directly in the inbox.

Follow up with a series of email

A strategic email sequence can greatly increase your recovery rate:

  • Email 1 (1-3 hours after abandonment): Friendly reminder about their cart, including images and a clear call-to-action (CTA).
  • Email 2 (24 hours later): Address common objections (e.g., shipping costs), showcase product benefits, and add social proof like reviews.
  • Email 3 (2-3 days later): Offer an incentive like free shipping or a discount, and create urgency with a limited-time offer.
  • Email 4 (5-7 days later): Ask for feedback on why they didn’t purchase, provide alternative recommendations, or offer assistance.

Adjust the timing and content based on your product’s consideration period. Segment by cart value or customer history for personalized touchpoints.

Clear and compelling CTA

Your CTA should guide the customer from interest to action:

  • Use action-oriented, specific language: “Complete your order” or “Restore your cart.”
  • Ensure your CTA button stands out with a contrasting color.
  • Make it large enough for mobile users to tap easily (44×44 pixels).
  • Position the CTA above the fold and repeat it in longer emails.
  • Use value-based language like “Claim your 10% discount now” or “Secure your items.”
  • Experiment with different colors and shapes, and copy to find what works best.

Add a secondary CTA for hesitant buyers, such as “Save for later” or “Chat with us.”


Personalization can drive conversion rates higher when done thoughtfully:

  • Include exact cart contents, including images and prices of the abandoned items.
  • Tailor messaging based on the customer segment: first-time visitors need more info about your brand, while loyal customers could get exclusive offers.
  • Use browse or purchase history: “We noticed you were also looking at [Product].”
  • Adjust content dynamically based on location, time, or device.
  • Offer personalized incentives based on cart value or customer lifetime value.

Remember, personalization should make the customer feel understood and valued. Always respect privacy and provide clear opt-out options.

3. Conclusion

I really hope that with this guide, you find it easy to set up a Shopify abandoned cart discount and get more sales from cart abandoners. Provided that you craft the right email flow and specials in a timely manner, you can reach a significant percentage of the customers who have left without buying your product. Now is the best time to put these tips to use and see your conversions improve!

4. FAQs

How do I create a discount for abandoned cart users on Shopify?

You can create a discount by going to your Shopify admin, clicking “Discounts,” and selecting “Create Discount.” Choose the type of discount (percentage, fixed amount, or free shipping), and target customers who abandoned their carts in the last 30 days.

Can I automate abandoned cart emails in Shopify?

Yes, you can automate abandoned cart emails in Shopify by going to the “Marketing” section, selecting “Automations,” and using the abandoned cart email template. You can personalize the email and add a discount code or link to encourage customers to complete their purchases.

What type of discount works best for abandoned carts?

Percentage-based discounts (e.g., 10% off) or free shipping are often the most effective incentives for recovering abandoned carts. These discounts are easy for customers to understand and apply, encouraging them to complete the checkout process.

How many emails should I send in an abandoned cart email sequence?

A good practice is to send 3-4 emails over the course of a few days. Start with a reminder within 1-3 hours after cart abandonment, followed by another email 24 hours later with additional incentives or reminders.

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