How to create product bundles on Shopify with and without an app?

How to create product bundles on Shopify with and without an app?

As a strategic technique for Shopify merchants to improve average order value and enhance customers’ satisfaction, product bundling is regularly used. This strategy increases your store’s revenue, assisting in its growth.

Our article will let you know how to create product bundles on Shopify, whether with or without an app. We will also provide you with the promotion tips for marketing your bundles and effective bundle strategies with examples.
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1. How to create a product bundle on Shopify without an app?

Shopify doesn’t have features for directly creating bundles. So, Shopify merchants usually go with apps to make them. However, if you don’t want to move forward with an app, you can still build your bundle. We will make it via Shopify’s Products feature. That means we will create a product that would function as a bundle.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for handling it:

Step 1: In Shopify Admin, choose Products

Step 2: Click Add Product

Step 3: Fill in the title field with the bundle name. Fill in the description field with the details of the bundled products and discounts.

Step 4: Upload media for your bundle.

Step 5: Set up pricing, inventory, and shipping for your bundle and save your bundle

Click "Add product" to start creating product bundles without a Shopify app
Click “Add product” to start creating product bundles without a Shopify app


  • Easy to set up as normal products
  • Don’t need to pay for subscriptions


  • Changes to bundles require manual adjustments
  • Need to manually track inventory for bundled products
  • Limited insights and analytics
  • It’s hard to scale if you want to implement various bundles

2. How to create Shopify product bundles with Shopify native bundle app?

Though it doesn’t have direct features for bundles, Shopify provides a free app for bundling. This native bundle app facilitates your bundle creation. Installing the app is easy; just visit the Shopify App Store and search Shopify Bundles, then click Install.

After launching the app, you can follow the following steps for establishing product bundles:

Step 1: Choose Bundles in your Shopify Admin

Step 2: Click Create a bundle

Step 3: Fill in the Title and click Select products

Step 4: Choose the products to be included in your bundle, and then click Select.

In the Products tab, you can adjust the quantity of products or the variants included in your bundle. You may also add the quantity as a bundle option by clicking the three dot icon next to the product, then choose Add quantity as an option.

You can create a multipack bundle by clicking the three-dot icon and choosing the option Duplicate product.

Step 5: Click Save and continue

Step 6: Fill in the Description and add Media for your bundle, then Save

Shopify native bundle app
Shopify native bundle app


  • Require no cost
  • Available for all Shopify merchants


  • Can only create basic bundles
  • No further advanced features

Read more: Shopify Build Your Own Bundle: Let Customers Create Custom Bundles on Shopify

3. How to create Shopify product bundles using 3rd-party extensions?


BOGOS free gift & bundle Shopify app
BOGOS free gift & bundle Shopify app

When you consider an app for creating bundles, BOGOS can be an exceptional solution. It allows you to create product bundles together with many other powerful offers like discounted or free gifts, gift with purchase, BOGO, tiered value offers, or frequently bought-together bundles. With the app, you can show gifts and discounted products via a slider or auto-add to customers’ carts, which helps minimize checkout friction. Its promotion features also allow you to attract or remind customers of your offers.

If you choose BOGOS, you can establish many offers with its advanced rules. You can customize your campaigns with the rules such as location, order history, customer tags, or specific URLs. The app offers real-time analytics so you can track the impact of your bundles or offers.

BOGOS is extremely easy to use, so you can navigate without focusing on a learning curve. You will enjoy responsive customer service, which will provide responses only within 2 minutes on average.

Picky Story

Picky Story Shopify bundle app

A highly-rated Shopify app for creating bundles and upsells is PickyStory. The app enables you to sell bundles as single products, create bundle builders, and set quantity breaks to maximize the ability of bundles. With its support, you can build upsell and cross-sell offers in many locations to increase the likelihood of buyers making a purchase. You can put these offers on your product pages, collections, cart, and checkout. 

PickyStory has powerful product recommendation features, which are powered with AI. It allows you to raise your cart value and squeeze every opportunity to provide more products. The app is customizable with appealing widgets, so you can create attractive visuals for your bundles and offers. Its dashboard also has helpful insights, allowing you to understand your bundle performance and customer behavior.


Upsell Koala Shopify bundle app

Koala is a nice choice if you want to find a free app for handling bundles. Though it requires no costs, its features are great and highly rated by users. The app allows Shopify merchants to create different types of bundles. You can make fixed bundles, mix and match bundles, upsell or cross-sell bundles, and more. It also enables you to build various discounts, like volume discounts or quantity breaks. With its post-purchase upselling features, you can even encourage additional sales after checkout.

Koala provides flexible customization options, letting you tailor bundle offers to your specific needs. It’s a beginner-friendly app that is easy to set up and use. Its customer support team is appreciated for being fast, efficient, and responsive.

3.2 How to create product bundles on Shopify with BOGOS

Step 1: In your Shopify admin, find the BOGOS app > click All bundles > click Create bundle or Create first bundle if it’s your first time

Create product bundle with BOGOS Shopify app

Step 2: Fill in the bundle title and description > Choose the start and end time for your bundle

Step 3: Click Select products to choose which products to be included in your bundle. Choose the discount type as a percentage or amount. You can view your bundle promotion in the Preview widget.

Set up bundle condition

Step 4: Decide if you want to combine your product bundling with order discounts and shipping discounts or not.

Combine bundle discount with other discount

Step 5: Click Save Draft or Publish.

4. How to effectively promote Product Bundles on your Shopify store?

Specific landing page for each bundle

Building a specific landing page for your bundle is one of the most effective ways to promote it. Following this way allows you to display your bundle in a focused and compelling manner. 

On the landing page, you can use appealing images of the bundle’s products to catch the attention of your customers. Including customer reviews is also a wise choice to build trust. Don’t forget to emphasize the benefits of the bundle and provide necessary descriptions. You can refer to the landing page of Sunday Supply Co. for the bundle of Animal Kingdom Beach Umbrella and Beach Chair Set as an example.

Specific bundle landing page

Besides, your landing page should include clear calls-to-action to encourage visitors to purchase the bundle. You can also consider adding exclusive offers or discounts to incentivize purchases. Such a specific landing page will make it easier for customers to check information and buy the bundles that they are interested in.

Homepage promotion

Your homepage is a great place to promote your product bundle, as it’s one of the most visited pages. You can feature your bundle on the homepage using eye-catching banners or carousel sliders. In this case, make sure that your copy is engaging, drawing customers’ attention to the value of your bundle.

Homepage promotion

You can also consider creating a section on your homepage for bundles. This section will be updated to reflect new or seasonal bundles, keeping the content fresh and relevant. Promoting bundles on the homepage is a nice way to increase their visibility and attract customers to explore.

Strategic popup

You can also use pop-ups to promote your bundles. Consider using exit-intent popups that appear when a visitor is about to leave your site. These pop-ups can give a special discount or incentive to encourage the purchase of a bundle before they exit.

You can also use timed popups that trigger after a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on your site or viewed specific products. Ensure that your popups are well-designed and provide clear value to the visitor. Effective popups can capture attention and drive conversions by presenting bundles as a solution to the visitor’s needs or interests.

Below is an example of bundle popups from Jaxxon. When a customer adds the product Cuban Link Bracelet to cart, a pop-up will suggest upgrading to the Cuban Essentials Set, which includes a coordinating necklace, offered at a discounted price.

Strategic popup

Shopping cart, checkout upsell

Promoting bundles via upselling opportunities during the shopping cart and checkout process is another option. It’s a great chance to boost the visibility and sales of your bundles, as at this stage, customers are in the buying procedure. 

You can showcase relevant bundle suggestions that complement their current selections. Remember to highlight the benefits and savings associated with purchasing the bundle compared to individual items.

For instance, Pease Doors, a brand providing doors, understands that their products are unique and customers usually need complete door kits to match their chosen door. Instead of selling individual doors, they offer bundle options directly in the slide-out cart.

Shopping cart bundle upsell

Create a sense of urgency.

This is a strategy to drive conversions and encourage immediate action. You can utilize tactics like limited-time offers, countdown timers, and low-stock notifications. They will help create urgency around your product bundles. You should highlight limited availability or a limited-time discount on suitable places, prompting customers to act quickly.

In the example below, Shutterstock offered a discount on packs of HD and 4K videos, making it a great deal for anyone specifically looking for videos. The saving is available only in five days, so customers will be more likely to want to take advantage of this discount before it ends.

Create a sense of urgency

5. Example of a Product Bundle strategy you can use

Customizable bundles

This type of bundle allows customers to flexibly create their own combinations based on the products in your store or in a collection. Customers can choose the items that suit their preferences. For instance, Nintendo offered its customers to purchase a customizable bundle of their console and video games at a lower price than buying them individually. Thanks to this strategy, their console sales increased by over 100,000 units and video game sales increased over a million units.

Customizable bundles

Customizable bundles give customers control over their bundles, resulting in increased engagement and satisfaction. They also allow you to cater to a wide range of customer preferences and needs. Thus, you can increase the average order value.

Inventory Management Bundling

Inventory management bundling focuses on combining products in a way that helps you manage inventory more efficiently. This strategy is particularly useful for clearing out excess stock or managing seasonal inventory. For example, if you have an overstock of specific items, you can create a bundle that includes a set of products at a discounted price, like Old Linen Mills’ strategy.

Inventory management bundling

Bundling products that are slower-moving or nearing the end of their season helps you reduce excess inventory and free up storage space. This strategy assists in managing inventory while providing customers with a perceived value of getting a set of related products at a soft price.

Starter kits to start with a hobby

Starter kits are designed to help customers get started with a new hobby or activity. These bundles typically include all the essential items needed to begin. They make it easier for customers to dive into their new interests without having to source individual components. Here’s an example from Happy Wax, which allows customers to build their own melting start kit.

Starter kits

This bundling will attract beginners who are looking for a convenient way to start a new hobby. Providing these kits simplifies their purchasing decision and enhances the shopping experience. 

Seasonal bundles

You can provide seasonal bundles in specific times of the year. These chances are holidays, festivals, or seasonal changes. The bundles offered usually include products that are relevant to the season or occasion, allowing customers to buy items that fit the current theme conveniently. You can see the example below from Bloom & Wild. It offers flowers and chocolate for Valentine’s Day.

Seasonal bundles

Seasonal bundles focus on the increased demand for themed products during specific times of the year. They create a sense of urgency and relevance, encouraging customers to purchase before the season ends. Match your bundles with seasonal trends to drive sales and improve the shopping experience.

Complementary Product Bundling

Complementary product bundling involves combining products that naturally go together or enhance each other’s use. This strategy is effective for increasing the average order value by incentivizing customers to purchase additional items that complement their primary purchase. For example, Harry’s presents its Skincare Essentials Set as a single product that features “three must-haves” instead of just a random collection of three separate items.

Complementary Product Bundling

This approach adds value for the customer and helps to cross-sell products that they might not have considered purchasing separately. It can also improve the customer experience by delivering a convenient solution that addresses different needs in one purchase.

Bundle new products with existing products.

This bundling is an effective way to introduce new products to your customers. Combining new items with existing ones helps you drive interest and sales for the new items. In the example below, Olive & June provides bundles that include popular and limited-edition items, giving customers a chance to explore the brand’s full range of products.

Bundle new products with existing products

This strategy helps to generate excitement and visibility for new products while also providing added value to customers. It can also be an effective way to test the market response to new items. You can also utilize it to gather feedback about new products before launching them as standalone items.

6. Conclusion

You have been provided with a detailed guide on how to create product bundles on Shopify. Though there are different ways to do it, we highly suggest using apps like BOGOS for the best convenience. We have also gone through the best practices for promoting bundles. Now, it’s time to try upgrading your Shopify store with bundling!

7. FAQs

What is a mix-and-match product bundle?

It is a type of bundle that allows customers to select products to build their own product combinations. Mix and match bundles let customers choose items based on their preferences or budget. It’s different from purchasing pre-packaged sets. It enhances the shopping experience with personalized options.

How should I price product bundles?

You should calculate the combined cost of individual items and offer a discount to make the bundle more attractive. Ensure the bundle price is lower than the total cost of purchasing items separately. Meanwhile, you need to consider factors like inventory and operation costs to ensure your profitability.

What are the potential disadvantages of offering product bundles?

Besides advantages, product bundles have different drawbacks. Offering bundles can reduce profit margins, especially when the discount is too steep. It can also create complexity in inventory management and require careful coordination to ensure all items are in stock. Bundling might even limit individual product sales if customers only purchase the bundle for specific items.