A Deep Dive into Shopify Checkout Conversion Rate [2024]

A Deep Dive into Shopify Checkout Conversion Rate [2024]

Shopify checkout conversion rate is a critical metric that shows how many customers complete their purchases after adding items to their carts. In this article, we’ll explore what it means, how to calculate it, and why Shopify has the best checkout process in the world. 

You’ll also learn about the factors affecting this rate and tips to improve it. Whether you’re a store owner or just curious, understanding Shopify’s checkout conversion rate can help boost your sales in 2024.

1. What is the Shopify checkout conversion rate?

Shopify checkout conversion rate

The Shopify checkout conversion rate is the percentage of customers who complete their purchase after starting the checkout process on a Shopify store. Simply, it measures how many people buy something after adding items to their cart and reaching checkout.

Why Shopify Checkout is the Best Converting Checkout in the World

A study by a top global consulting firm shows that Shopify’s checkout converts up to 36% better than its competitors, with an average increase of 15%. Here’s why Shopify stands out:

  • Massive Identity Network

Shopify’s Shop Pay offers an unrivaled one-click checkout experience thanks to its network of over 100 million users. This identity-driven system allows Shopify to recognize customers instantly, even when they’ve used Shop Pay elsewhere before.

Because their details are already saved, customers can check out up to 4 times faster than when using guest checkout. This ease of use has been shown to boost conversion rates by as much as 50% compared to standard checkouts​.

The future of commerce is leaning heavily toward identity-driven checkout systems like Shop Pay, which minimize user friction and lead to a higher overall conversion rate.

  • Unmatched Scale

Shopify is a powerhouse in e-commerce, accounting for about 10% of all U.S. online retail sales. In 2022 alone, Shopify processed over $500 billion in Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) and supported over 561 million unique shoppers. 

The sheer volume of transactions allows Shopify to improve its checkout process constantly based on massive amounts of data. Whether optimizing button placements or reducing the number of fields in the checkout form, these incremental improvements result in faster and more seamless shopping experiences for users​.

During peak sales events, like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, Shopify handles sales traffic that would overwhelm most platforms. In 2022, Shopify’s checkout processed $3.5 million in sales per minute without disruptions, showcasing the platform’s ability to scale effectively for businesses of all sizes.​

  • Consumer Trust

Trust is a major factor in Shopify’s checkout success. The platform’s sleek and intuitive design, combined with its options for discounts, gift cards, and delivery options, makes it immediately familiar to customers. 

This sense of trust has been built over years of consistent performance, leading hundreds of millions of people to use Shopify Checkout regularly. Brands like Spanx emphasize that their customers trust Shopify Checkout as much as they trust the products they buy, directly impacting conversion rates​.

Additionally, Shopify integrates options that enhance the customer experience, such as Shop Pay Installments and Shop Cash, making the checkout even more appealing and boosting conversions.

  • Innovation

Shopify stays ahead by constantly innovating. The platform employs more engineers on checkout than some companies on their e-commerce solutions​. 

This ongoing commitment to improving the checkout experience has led to features like one-page checkout and Checkout Extensibility, which lets brands customize their checkout flow. Businesses can adjust everything from payment options to shipping methods, offering a personalized experience that customers love​.

Shopify’s focus on customization allows businesses to tweak the checkout process to fit their unique needs. For example, they can add custom fields, loyalty programs, or even upsell offers directly in the checkout flow.​

  • Shop Pay’s Impact

Shop Pay, Shopify’s flagship one-tap payment solution, significantly impacts conversion rates. When businesses implement Shop Pay, conversions rise by as much as 50% compared to guest checkout. 

Additionally, Shop Pay can increase mobile conversion rates by 91% and desktop conversion by 56%, proving its value in today’s mobile-first shopping landscape​.

With faster load times, stored payment details, and instant recognition of customers, Shop Pay dramatically reduces friction, leading to more completed purchases.

In general, Shopify’s checkout process is fast, simple, and trusted, making it the best in the e-commerce world. With its strong identity network, large scale, commitment to innovation, and the power of Shop Pay, Shopify offers a checkout experience that keeps customers coming back.

2. How to calculate the Shopify checkout conversion rate?

#1 Formula

Shopify checkout conversion rate formular

The Shopify checkout conversion rate formula can be expressed as:

This formula measures how many customers finish their purchase and how many start the checkout process. For example, if 100 people begin checkout and 20 complete their purchases, the conversion rate is:

Checkout Conversion Rate = (20 / 100) * 100 = 20%

This simple calculation helps track your checkout process and is effective at converting potential buyers into paying customers.

#2 Average Shopify Checkout Conversion Rate

Shopify stores’ average checkout conversion rate typically ranges between 1.5% and 2.5%. Newer or less optimized stores often fall into the 1-2% range, while more established stores with well-designed, streamlined checkout processes may reach rates around 3-4%. 

Optimized stores with strong customer trust and easy checkout experiences can sometimes see even higher rates​.

#3 What is a Good Shopify Checkout Conversion Rate?

A “good” checkout conversion rate for a Shopify store varies by industry and customer base. However, generally, a 2% to 5% rate is considered solid. Well-optimized stores with effective checkout processes, clear calls to action, and minimal friction during purchase can see conversion rates above 5%. 

If your rate is under 2%, improving areas like checkout simplicity, mobile optimization, and building customer trust is worthwhile.

Read more: 18 Best Shopify Apps To Increase Sales & Conversion Rates

3. What factors affect the Shopify checkout conversion rate?

When aiming to improve your Shopify checkout conversion rate, several factors come into play. These are some of the most critical aspects you can optimize, along with practical tips to help boost Shopify conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment.

Mobile Optimization

Create a mobile friendly website for better conversion rate

In today’s mobile-first world, more than half of eCommerce traffic comes from mobile devices. If your checkout process isn’t optimized for mobile, you risk losing a large portion of potential customers. 

A mobile-optimized checkout ensures that the entire experience is seamless across devices, allowing users to complete their purchases without unnecessary friction.


  • Responsive Design: Ensure your checkout page automatically adjusts to different screen sizes, making it easy to navigate on both smartphones and tablets.
  • Large, Clickable Buttons: Make sure buttons such as “Checkout,” “Submit,” or “Pay Now” are large enough to tap easily without accidentally hitting other elements.
  • Auto-fill Functionality: Enable auto-fill options for billing and shipping details to save customers time, particularly on mobile, where typing can be cumbersome​.
  • Streamline the Form: Reduce the number of form fields by only asking for necessary information. Each extra step can deter mobile shoppers from completing their purchases.

Trust Signals

Provide trust signals

Trust is crucial when it comes to online shopping. Consumers are wary of sharing sensitive information, especially payment details. If your store does not provide enough trust signals during checkout, it can lead to abandoned carts.


  • SSL Certificates: Ensure your checkout page is secured with HTTPS, which encrypts sensitive information. Display SSL badges prominently on the checkout page to reassure customers that their data is safe​.
  • Payment Processor Logos: Display well-known payment processor logos such as PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, and Apple Pay. These recognizable logos signal to customers that their payments will be handled securely.
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Showcase real customer reviews and ratings. Seeing others’ positive experiences can instill trust in first-time buyers​.
  • Clear Return Policies: Be upfront about your return and refund policies. Including a simple, easy-to-find policy during the checkout process reassures customers that they can return products if needed, reducing hesitation.

Payment Options

Offer multiple payment options.

A limited selection of payment methods can result in lost sales. Customers expect flexibility when it comes to payment options. Offering only one or two payment methods can frustrate users, especially if their preferred option is not available. 

By providing multiple payment methods, you make it easier for a wide variety of customers to complete their purchases.


  • Multiple Payment Methods: Offer a range of options such as credit and debit cards, digital wallets (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal), and buy-now-pay-later services (e.g., Klarna, Shop Pay Installments)​.
  • Local Payment Preferences: Depending on your target audience, consider offering region-specific payment methods. For example, bank transfers might be popular in some countries while digital wallets are favored in others.
  • One-Click Payments: Use services like Shop Pay, which allows returning customers to complete their purchases with a single click by using saved payment information. This feature can increase conversion rates significantly by reducing the time it takes to finalize a purchase​.

Checkout Process Simplicity

Shopify's one-page checkout makes the checkout process easier.

The checkout process is one of the most critical stages where customers often abandon their carts. Simplifying this process can dramatically improve your conversion rate. Shopify offers both a standard multi-step checkout and a newer one-page checkout, with the latter reducing friction for customers by consolidating all checkout steps onto one page.

One-Page Checkout: This format simplifies the checkout experience by presenting all necessary information – cart details, shipping, billing, and payment – on a single page. It reduces the number of clicks and steps a customer has to take, which speeds up the process and minimizes abandonment.

Standard Multi-Step Checkout: While this approach may be more suitable for businesses that require more detailed order verification or shipping options, it can sometimes frustrate users who prefer speed.


  • One-Page Checkout: For faster transactions, switch to Shopify’s one-page checkout. It reduces the steps required to complete a purchase and can significantly increase conversions, especially when paired with Shop Pay​.
  • Use BOGOS App: Consider integrating apps like BOGOS to streamline promotions. BOGOS allows you to display promotional offers directly in the checkout, encouraging customers to take advantage of special deals without leaving the checkout flow. For example, you can add a message notifying customers about gifts or discounts available when they meet certain conditions​.
  • Auto-Fill Information: Use auto-fill options for billing and shipping fields to speed up the process

Shipping Costs and Transparency

Display your shipping cost

Unexpected shipping costs are one of the top reasons for cart abandonment. Customers often abandon their purchases if the shipping fees are too high or are not shown until the final step of checkout.


  • Display Shipping Costs Early: Be transparent about shipping fees by showing them before customers reach the checkout page. This helps manage customer expectations and prevents last-minute abandonment.
  • Free Shipping Threshold: Encourage customers to spend more by offering free shipping on orders above a certain amount. This tactic can also increase the average order value​.
  • Clear Delivery Times: Provide clear and accurate delivery timelines during the checkout process to give customers a better sense of when their purchase will arrive.

4. Final Words

In conclusion, understanding and improving your Shopify checkout conversion rate is key to driving sales and customer satisfaction. By optimizing for mobile devices, building trust through signals, offering a variety of payment options, and simplifying the checkout process, you can create a smooth experience that encourages more customers to complete their purchases. 

I hope you find these tips helpful as you work to enhance your Shopify store’s performance and boost conversions in 2024.

5. FAQs

What is a good checkout conversion rate on Shopify?

A good Shopify checkout conversion rate is typically between 2% and 5%, though top-performing stores may achieve rates higher than 5%. Anything below 2% suggests there is room for optimization.

What is the average Shopify checkout conversion rate?

The average checkout conversion rate on Shopify is around 1.5% to 2.5%. Newer stores may have lower rates, while more established and optimized stores see higher rates.​

Why is my Shopify checkout conversion rate low?

Low conversion rates can be caused by factors like a slow website, complicated checkout processes, high shipping costs, or lack of trust signals like SSL certificates and recognizable payment methods.

How can I improve my Shopify checkout conversion rate?

To improve your conversion rate, optimize mobile checkout, simplify the process by using a one-page checkout, offer multiple payment methods, display trust signals, and ensure transparency about shipping costs​.

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